Friday, April 9, 2010

Je utajisikiaje kama mpenzi wako atakuambia sina cha kukupa ila nakupa hili pendo mpz?

I Give This Love to You

By Lutonja Fita

I give this love to you
Since I have nothing to give you
Keep it like heart
When night comes to cove you
The winter can bite through NOT
I love you dear Subira.

I have nothing else to give you
So it is only love full of valentine
That no one can count
I say no one can count
It is only you to count
I love you dear Subira.

I have nothing else to give you
Only warmly love dear
To warm your body like arm
To warm your skin in huge dream
Like train passing Mwanza to DSM
I love you dear subira.

Keep it like treasures
Life become sweet in night dreams
Sweet as Azam ice creams
Sweet as juice Zam Zam
That made in Dar es Salaam
I love you dear Subira.

Warm yourself with this love let
Love originated to my heart
Don’t move to any cold hut
Rest in this feels safety
Warmly love like coat
I love you dear Subira.

It’s all dear to give you
Since I have nothing else to give
Only enough for you is love
Even God emphases love
Adam and Eve shared love
I love you dear Subira,